
Université de Bordeaux
Bâtiment PJJ
35 place Pey-Berland
33000 Bordeaux

See directions
Go to the PJJ - Legal and judicial centre (Congress location)

Public transports :
  • Tramway A et C : stop Hôtel de ville.
> From St Jean train station – Bordeaux (20 min) : Tram C (direction Les Aubiers),stop Porte de Bourgogne then tram A (direction Mérignac), stop Hôtel de ville.
> From airport – Mérignac (50 mn)
  • Bus liane 1 until stop Gambetta, join and walk down the rue des remparts, then cross the Place Pey Berland between the town hall and the cathedral.
More details TBC, Tram et bus :

Think carpooling
Book your hotel