62 participants

Référence Organisme Type de dépôt Titre TOPIC
3UUNA73SKINOSIVEPoster abstractLong-lasting and safe photoprotection using a skin-bioadhesive technology: a proof of concept with a novel M10 skin-bioadhesive UVA filterSensory, biological and clinical efficacy assessmentsTélécharger
KYXUR0XINSTITUT DE CHIMIE-PHYSIQUE, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SACLAY, CNRSPoster abstractInfrared Nano-Spectroimaging to explore the chemical composition of complex biosamples.Measurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
R5Q9XQRUNIVERSITY OF PARIS SACLAYPoster abstractApplication of Atomic Force Microscopy technique in cosmetic research: exploring the mechanical and chemical properties of materialsMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
6OZCSW9GROUPE ROCHERPoster abstractA new screening evaluation of tensor effect film former ingredientsMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
LU10PCCBIOHIVEPoster abstractBioHive's Skin Organoid: A Robust Model for Toxicity and Efficacy Testing in DermocosmeticsModels for studying interactions between product, skin, hair and nails (in vitro/ex vivo/skin-on-a-chip/in vivo)Télécharger
SM0CY2OEUROSAFEPoster abstractComparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Native Human Skin and Skin EquivalentsOmics TechnologiesTélécharger
YSDCF4BCYREBRO TECHNOLOGIESPoster abstractAutomatic multimodal platform for cognitive and emotional neurophenotyping of fragrances and cosmeticsUse of digital tech (Big Data, AI, In Silico)Télécharger
IKOYI18URCOM, UNIVERSITÉ LE HAVRE NORMANDIEPoster abstractMethodological approach in the formulation and characterization of solid shampoosMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
14HZ3KXCEREF TECHNIQUE ASBLPoster abstractCharacterization of the in vitro cosmetic efficacy of an extract derived from a by-product of the agri-food industrySensory, biological and clinical efficacy assessmentsTélécharger
FG88V0YEOTECHPoster abstractPeak fringe scanning microscopy applied to hair care product evaluationMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
AC9FBRQCIEL CO., LTD.Poster abstractThe decreased hydrophobicity of corneocytes, caused by nitration through a photosensitizing reaction in the presence of air pollutants, disrupts epidermal barrier function.Models for studying interactions between product, skin, hair and nails (in vitro/ex vivo/skin-on-a-chip/in vivo)Télécharger
VXW79MCCIEL CO., LTD.Poster abstractProposal for a new anti-aging approach focusing on transient alterations of collagen metabolism in the papillary dermis caused by UVB.Models for studying interactions between product, skin, hair and nails (in vitro/ex vivo/skin-on-a-chip/in vivo)Télécharger
7D12VWXTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARKPoster abstractStratum Corneum Nanotexture Based Skin Barrier Function Assessment: Tape-Strip Holder Designs for High-Throughput NanoimagingStratum Corneum Nanotexture Based Skin Barrier Function Assessment: Tape-Strip Holder Designs for High-Throughput NanoimagingMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
5GQZYU9UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN-NORMANDIEPoster abstractNanoparticles quantification by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry through epithelium and its microbiotaModels for studying interactions between product, skin, hair and nails (in vitro/ex vivo/skin-on-a-chip/in vivo)Télécharger
UC4QFMLCYREBRO TECHNOLOGIESPoster abstractPerfume-Induced Relaxation: EEG Insights into the Role of Aroma CompoundsSensory, biological and clinical efficacy assessmentsTélécharger
8B0U6JOCEREVAAPoster abstractLow field NMR methods to evaluate the hydration state of skin explantsModels for studying interactions between product, skin, hair and nails (in vitro/ex vivo/skin-on-a-chip/in vivo)Télécharger
TQRFQ7ZLEMBAS (FAIRGLOW)Poster abstractQuantifying the Environmental Impact of Cosmetic Ingredients through Novel Algorithmic Life Cycle AssessmentsUse of digital tech (Big Data, AI, In Silico)Télécharger
8XJAT25FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF METROLOGY METASPoster abstractMeasuring Appearance – small objects in the spotlightMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
UI354VTGIVAUDAN FRANCEPoster abstractCutting-Edge Clinical Methods for skin Sagging EvaluationMeasurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)Télécharger
HXJ6SSYIMASENSPoster abstractUncommon sensory approach to select key ingredients of a massage emulsionSensory, biological and clinical efficacy assessmentsTélécharger