Call for ORAL communications closed on October 4th, 2024
Call for POSTER communications open until DECEMBER 6th, 2024

To submit a POSTER abstract : 
  1. Download the abstract template above
  2. Fill the template with the resume of your oral or poster communication, in accordance with the guidelines
  3. Fill in the form below, an upload your abstract template in the section "add an oral/poster", in accordance with one of the 8 topics of the congress

For Poster abstracts : posters guidelines will be given, after approval by the Scientific Committee, by mid-December. 

The congress COMET will highlight 8 topics : 

  1. Measurement instrumentation (physical and in virtual reality)
  2. Safety assessments
  3. Sensory, biological and clinical efficacy assessments
  4. Models for studying interactions between product, skin, hair and nails (in vitro / ex vivo / skin-on-a-chip / in vivo)
  5. Use of digital tech (Big Data, AI, In Silico)
  6. Omics Technologies
  7. Models and tools for understanding the exposome
  8. Ecotoxicity assessment tools